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Showing posts from March, 2020

Best 3 Places in Darjeeling to Eat

Best 3 places in Darjeeling to eat: Darjeeling is a tiny city lying over the lap of Himalaya, handcrafted by the British Government. The place still carries away the old colonial fragrance in her paths and alleys. Old colonial architecture, black cobble stoney lanes can bring you back in 19th century India. Though the city is enlightened with technology and modernism, few restaurants and hotels are best to serve you with typical English warmth. I am going to put some places that will astound you: Glenary's: Glenery's is a vintage restaurant holding onto the heart of Darjeeling mall. From drinks to the bakery, here has a large variety of Indian and continental food items. Live music is also performed here from 8pm. Before sunset,inside Gleanery     Must hop: If you are visiting here for breakfast then its a sin to forget their filter coffee and Darjeeling tea. Every bakery items are mesmerizing like chicken cheese pie, red velvet cake, blueberry cake, et