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Wine Lovers would dare to try this: Snake Wine

 Wine has been considered as the most stimulating beverage throughout the world. It lits up your evening to worth cherishing. But this world is full of surprises. The Southeastern part of Asia likes the taste of a kind of wine on which the maximum part of the world will frown.  The Snake Wine is such a drink mostly famous in different part of Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong and China. Snake wine has been consumed in China from Zhou dynasty, mainly treated as a medicinal liquor. Snake wine is also known as 'Habushu' in Japan because a deadly snake name Habu is used in this drink. The buyer can get a full length of Habu Snake inside a beautiful wine bottle. The Making: The process of making the drink may seem utterly disturbing to people but the south Asians must enjoy it. It can be made using two techniques. The primary ingredients of the wine is rice and obviously a lengthy venomous snake. The maker can simply drown the  poor creature, (well, not so poor because Habu snake bite can c
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Best 3 Places in Darjeeling to Eat

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