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12 Unknown Facts of Wine

Know 12 Fun Facts About Wine:

For drinkers, wine is not just a drink that drives you tipsy. It is much more than that. Wine is a tradition that is carrying its legacy for thousands of years. From the preparation to touching the lips for inhalation, the wine passes through several steps. This article is for all the passionate drinkers over here because you ought to know the basic interesting facts of wine:

  • The custom of bumping wine glasses have come from ancient Rome in the middle ages. That time poisoning enemies were the favorite way to get rid of them. So a person makes 'cheers' with drinking partners so that some of the wine tilt down on the other persons' glass. Thus they can share poison together. Such wise they were!!

  • The oldest winery was found in Armenia, dates in 4100 BCE.

  • Did you know that titanic holds the world's oldest wine cellar and it is said that the bottles are still intact?
Titanic's wine collection, is it still drinkable?

  • A "Cork-tease" is called someone who always talks about wine and they are the most enthusiastic to open it but actually never does. I am sure many can call themselves Cork-tease from now on. 

  • The average age of French oak tree harvested to make wine barrels is 170 years old.
One of the oldest wine cellar

  • It is said that women who drink 2 cups of wines daily, can enjoy better sex than the others who do not. Ladies!! hurry up! go and grab some.

  • Sparkling white wine is made throughout the world but those who are fabricated and bottled in France can only be called Champagne. Alternatives can be named as Cava, Prosecco, and even Sparkling Riesling. So pals, notice before you name it.

  • The best way to drink wine is to fill your glass one third only for aromas to fatten where a champagne bottle carries more pressure than the tire of a car.

  • Well, do no think everyone is a fan of wine. There are people who are afraid of wine. If you know someone like this call them 'Oenophobic' right away.

  • Wines are not fully vegan, few fining agents like eggs, fish bladders are used to soften its astringency.

  • There are different kinds of wine glasses craving for its various requirement. Different wine glasses can change the liquor's aroma and taste.

  • Folks, you have to be very careful about the food pairing with your glass of wine unless Oc Blue and your lovely wine glass will taste the same. Red wine which is bitter in taste goes well with bold-flavored meat like beef or pork. White wine tastes marvelous with light meats like chicken or fish.
